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When Heaven Speaks

Are You Listening?


As you journey through this 52-week devotional, my prayer is that you will allow the Word of God to minister to you through the words that He has given me to deliver.  Each devotional contains real-life events and personal experiences to help you relate better. I encourage you to devote time each day to get into your quiet place and just be still and wait. Wait on the Holy Spirit to instruct you and reveal to you exactly what He intends for you to take away from what you have read. Keep an open mind so you will not miss any truths that He wants to speak to you and, listen for the still, quiet voice within.

Heaven is eager to speak to us today. When heaven has our undivided attention, when all distractions has been put in their proper places, and all other voices have been silenced, and we get to the place of total desperation and search for God frantically like the treasure that He is, we will find Him. When we surrender to God, then and only then will Heaven speak. Not only will it speak, but it will also open for us, pouring out everything we need. Allow God to quiet your heart, center your spirit, and align your desires with His will. Shhhh. Pay close attention. Heaven is speaking. Are you listening?

When Heaven Speaks

When Heaven Speaks (WHS) is a 52-week devotional to help you listen and hear God clearly amid the distractions. It takes a holistic approach to address many of the major issues and concerns we are facing in today’s society from a biblical viewpoint; giving us strength for the day and courage to keep pressing towards the journey set before us.

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When Heaven Speaks is a delightful read that will make you laugh, cry, and ponder all the times that Heaven spoke and still speaks to you . . . if you will but listen. This book is chock full of real stories of folks like you and me who have experienced hearing and witnessing God at work in supernatural ways as well as in those simple times we take for granted and miss Him. You will find it hard to put down this intriguing collection as you begin to understand “The Blessing of Brokenness,” learn to appreciate that “As-Is Purchased,” realize that sometimes we are “Flawed With Purpose,” and how going through to come out victorious can make us become “Bold Enough to Ask.” Get yourself a cup of something hot (or cold) to drink and get comfortable so you can be in the moment When Heaven Speaks

Gail SmithWhen Heaven Speaks

My interest was stimulated by the title alone, “When Heaven Speaks.” So much so that I wanted to discover some nuggets from Kimberly. I love how she shares personal life experiences. Questions arose: How did God speak to her to fulfill what He had laid on her heart? How would this devotional draw me closer to Him and allow me to experience Him in a greater way? Well, as I read portions of the devotional, I found myself being blessed and drawing on what He wanted me to gain. I encourage you, before you take your seat at His feet, to open your heart to receive the nuggets that will help you navigate through life. God speaks to us in various ways. So as you travel through each weeks devotional, embrace the journey of hearing God clearly and see how He will speak to you!

Alice M. BakerWhen Heaven Speaks

About Author

Kimberly Washington is first, and foremost, a God-fearing, born again believer in Jesus Christ. She is a native of Southern, CA and the youngest of seven children. At a young age, she developed a knack for writing but had no idea that many years later God would give her such an amazing assignment to use
her gift. She holds three degrees: a master’s in both Organizational Management and Technology Project Management and a bachelor’s in Mass Communications. She is the mother of one son, Christian, and they both reside in Houston, Texas. When heaven speaks, do you listen? When heaven speaks, do you listen?

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